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ANNOUNCEMENT OF REGULATED INFORMATION PURSUANT TO L. 3556/2007: Notification for change in the percentage of shares with a subsequent change in the voting rights

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The company Quest Holdings S.A. announces, pursuant to L. 3556/2007, that Mr. Theodore Fessas, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company, according to the since 29.05.2023 notification to the Company by the legal entity and the physical person, transferred as contribution in kind 53.634.195 shares and equal voting rights, that correspond to a share of 50,021% in the share capital of Quest Holdings S.A., to the company Tedinvest Ltd, which he owns by 100%. The transfer of shares was executed through an over the counter and free of payment (FoP) transaction.


Number of shares and equal voting rights before the transaction:

Direct participation of 50,021% (namely 53.634.195 common shares with voting rights), Indirect participation of 0% (namely 0 common shares with voting rights) and total participation in number of shares and voting rights (direct and indirect) 50,021% (namely 53.634.195 common shares with voting rights).


Number of shares and equal voting rights after the transaction:

Direct participation of 0% (namely 0 common shares with voting rights), Indirect participation of 50,021% (namely 53.634.195 common shares with voting rights) and total participation in number of shares and voting rights (direct and indirect) 50,021% (namely 53.634.195 common shares with voting rights).