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Investor Relations

Reply to Prot. No. 1400/28-05-2024 letter from the Hellenic Capital Market Commission

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With regard to the letter of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission and in view to the smooth operation of the market and the responsible information of the investing community, the company under the name "Quest Holdings Societe Anonyme" and the distinctive title "Quest Holdings", based in the Municipality of Kallithea, Argyroupoleos 2A and no. G.E.MI. 121763701000 (the "Company"), announces the following regarding publications about the acquisition of the company " Benrubi S.A.":

In accordance with the provisions of article 2 of the decision 5/204/2000 of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, par. 1 of article 17 of Regulation (EU) 596/2014 and par. 7 of art. 27 of Law 4443/2016, with regard to the above publication, the Company carefully examines and evaluates any serious investment opportunity or proposal, taking into account the interests of its shareholders as well as the employees of the Quest Group companies.

In this regard, the Company clarifies that it has not entered into any binding agreement for the participation in the share capital of "Benrubi S.A.".

The Company will proceed, in accordance with the law, without delay, to the required announcements to inform the investment public, if and when any final agreement is concluded.