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Award and double distinction for the Quest Group at BRAVO SUSTAINABILITY AWARDS 2017

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An award and two distinctions were won by the Quest Group at the BRAVO SUSTAINABILITY AWARDS 2017, organized for the 7th consecutive year by the QualityNet Foundation, highlighting the initiatives contributing to the Creation of the Greece of Tomorrow.

Among the 278 initiatives at national level, the Quest Group initiative with the creation of IQbility received an award in the category BRAVO SOCIETY, while the "Innovative Services and Solutions Modernizing Courier Services and Postal Services of ACS, a Quest Group company" and "Initiative to support refugees from ACS, a Quest Group company" were distinguished in the categories BRAVO MARKET and BRAVO IN ACTION respectively.

The IQbility incubator was rewarded as the only private initiative of a Greek company that systematically invests in the equity capital of Greek start-ups. To date, IQbility has supported a number of eleven highly dynamic business groups, with an additional investment in nine of them, and has created more than 100 specialized jobs. Beyond the impetus of business groups, IQbility's contribution is essential for both the Greek market and society, as well as the creation of a quality business culture and the emergence of Greek know-how and implemented innovation in the international business environment.

In alignment with the global market of courier and postal services, ACS has developed a number of e-solutions and services both for corporate clients and consumers, which modernize shipment procedures. These innovative services and solutions greatly enhance the quality of customer service and hence its satisfaction and loyalty, achieving cost savings and saving energy. The shipments of corporate clients and individuals are made with ease, reliability, transparency and more savings in resources, time and cost, and as a result, the company creates competitive advantages and maintains its leading position in the market.

In addition, the ACS initiative was distinguished, responding to the unprecedented and extraordinary circumstances prevailing in the country at the end of 2015 due to the enormous daily presence of refugees. The company has decided to go ahead with a support program and join forces with selected agencies, organizations and companies for this purpose. The company chose to work together with “The Smile of the Child”, the “National Federation of Border Guards” and the Athens Chamber of Commerce, as well as Oriflame and TOYOTA. In total, 54.55 tons of food, long-life milk, blankets, children’s clothing, shoes, hygiene products, medicines and sanitation products were transported.

The award and the two distinctions of the Quest Group programs reflect the importance of collaborating and involving all the active nuclei of Greek society with a view to creating a better future.