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Announcement of the admission of bonus shares, resulting from the split of Company's shares

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The Société Anonyme under the name "Quest Holdings Société Anonyme " (the Company) informs the investing public that the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company's shareholders, held on 28.02.2022, decided inter alia the reduction of the nominal share value from Euros 1,33 to Euros 0.44 Euro and the simultaneous increase of the total number of shares from 35.740.896 to 107.222.688 common registered voting shares (split). 

The 71.481.792 new shares shall be distributed free‐of‐charge to the shareholders of the Company in ratio of 2 new common registered shares for each 1 old common registered share. Following the above corporate change, the share capital of the Company amounts to Euros 47.177.982,72, divided into 107.222.688 common registered voting shares with a nominal value of Euro 0.44 each. At the same time, a special purpose reserve was formed, according to art. 31 par. 2 of Law 4548/2018 amounting to Euro 357,408.96 for the purpose of rounding off the new nominal value of the share. 
On 04.03.2022, decision No. 2807832/04.03.2022 of the Companies Directorate, Supervising Department of Listed and Sports Joint‐Stock Companies of the Ministry of Economy and Development, by which the amendment of Article 5 of the Company Statute was approved, was registered with the General Commercial Registry (GCR) under Reg. No. 2589584/04.03.2022. 

The Corporate Actions Committee of the Athens Stock Exchange at its meeting on 11.03.2022 approved the admission to trading of the new shares of the Company resulting from the above. 

By decision of the Company, the following are set: 

(a)    as “ex‐date” of the right to participate in the shares split is set 16.03.2022. From the same date, the shares of the Company shall be traded on the Athens Stock Exchange at the new nominal value, i.e. Euro 0.44 per share, without the right to participate in the bonus shares distribution, and the starting price of the Company's shares on the Athens Stock Exchange shall be formed in accordance with the Athens Stock Exchange Regulation in conjunction with Decision No. 26 of the Board of Directors of the Athens Stock Exchange, as in force, and
(b)    beneficiaries to the abovementioned corporate action shall be the shareholders of the Company, registered in the Dematerialized Securities System (DSS) records on 17.03.2022.

As commencement date of the trading of the new shares on the Athens Stock Exchange is set 21.03.2022. From the same date, the abovementioned shares shall be credited to the shares and securities accounts of the shareholders in the DSS. 

For more information, Shareholders may contact the Company's Shareholders Support Department (tel. +30 211‐9994762, Mr. Papadiamantopoulos Dimitris).